Old Co-op Buildings

East Loan, Prestonpans, East Lothian, Scotland EH32 9ED

01875 814 989


Mon - Fri: 9:30 - 16:30


Our Services

Our aim at the Centre, is to provide social contact and stimulation in homely surroundings for those who cannot get out of the house without assistance.

Our specially adapted minibus brings people to and from the Centre and is also used for day trips, meals out, afternoon tea and visits to places of interest.

A light breakfast, two course hot lunch and afternoon tea are provided daily. Activities at the Centre are client led and people are free to do as much or as little as they choose. If a client has a special interest we will do our best to cater for it.

The cost for this service is currently £12.50 per day.

Some Activities We Offer

Other Services

We have two rooms which are generally used as quiet spaces for one or two individuals to have a chat or to just grab a moment’s peace. They are also used by the visiting Chiropodist, Dentist, Nurse or Doctor as private treatment rooms by arrangment. Chiropodist treatments involve an additional charge at a specially discounted rate. One room has been converted to a mid century living room with special dementia friendly lighting and the other a pampering room for the ladies to have some free beauty treatments or for the gentlemen to enjoy a chat and catch up on some films.

“I don’t sing because I’m happy; I’m happy because I sing.” – William James

Our clients are entertained from the minute they are picked up until they arrive home. All our activities are client driven. Many of our activities are what you come to expect in Day Centres such as:-

Bingo, Arts and Crafts, Reminiscing, Outings, Quizzes and Games

However, we here at Harlawhill believe that music is life, music is fun and music is joyful.

We love our music in many formats whether it is selecting songs from YouTube on our smart TV, having a sing-song with Alexa, a sing along on  our karaoke system, watching classical musicals on our big screen projector or just simply listening and joining in with the many live entertainers we have here at Harlawhill.

Those who are able to can get up and dance while those who cannot can just sing along or tap their fingers and toes.

Sometimes people come in off the street just to see what all the noise is about!!!!

Some of Our Entertainers

8 Videos